About us

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The Chess Association of Queensland Inc (CAQ) is the body controlling organised over-the-board chess in the State of Queensland, Australia. CAQ is affiliated with the Australian Chess Federation Inc and is a member of the Sports Federation of Queensland Inc. CAQ is a non-profit body incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act of Queensland; its objects, powers and organisation are specified in its Constitution.

CAQ is the successor of the Queensland Chess Association, founded in 1897.

Its affairs are managed by a committee known as the Council, typically comprising a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Tournament Officer, Regional Liason Officer, Ratings Officer, Director of Coaching, Junior Chess Coordinator, Development Officer and IT Officer. Council normally meets every other month to conduct its business.

Members of Council are elected by affiliated clubs voting at the annual general meeting, and hold office for one year.

CAQ By-laws Adopted 2016

CAQ Administrative Bylaws
CAQ Tournament Bylaws