Welcome to the page for information on the everything to do with entering the Australian Open 2017.
Please note that all players must be members of their own state chess association.
**If you are having trouble with registering via the website, please email Andrew with your details and you can also pay via direct deposit using the following details:
Account Name: Gardiner Chess, BSB: 124 386, ACC: 2240 7510, Use Tournament + Name as reference.**
Entry Fees and Cut-Off Dates:
Australian Open 2017:
Entries have now closed and any late entries will only be accepted to avoid a bye.
**Entries will not be accepted after December 31st**
Australian Minor (Under 1600 ACF) 2017:
Entries have now closed and any late entries will only be accepted to avoid a bye.
**Entries will not be accepted after December 31st**
Australian Lightning Championships 2017
All players – $25