Category: Coming Events

Queensland Junior Chess Championship Titles 2024
Welcome to the Official Queensland Junior Chess Championships- Hosted by Cookie’s Chess and Jack Rodgers Chess Coaching. This event is located at the prestigious Kings Christian College Pimpama Campus 198 Pimpama Jacobs Well Rd, Pimpama QLD 4209 in classrooms H7 – H14.
All players MUST be financial members of the Chess Association of Queensland to participate
ALL state title winners will be eligible for a $250 grant from the CAQ if they choose to represent QLD in the 2025 Australian Junior Chess Championships in their respective age groups.
Under 8s
Time Control: 15 minutes + 10 seconds per move
QJ Rated
Time Control: 25 minutes + 10 seconds per move
QJ Rated
Time Control: 60 minutes + 10 seconds per move
ACF + QJ Rated
Time Control: 90 minutes + 30 seconds per move
FIDE / ACF / QJ Rated
Registration – 8:45-9:15am
Round 1 – 9:30am
Round 2 – 2:30pm
July 3
Round 3 – 9:30am
Round 4 – 2.30pm
Round 5 – 9:00am
Round 6 – 2:00pm
Round 7 – 9:00am
Round 8 – 2.00pm
Water is permitted at the boards with the players however NO other food or drink is permitted in any room. Parents and guardians can enjoy the alfresco seating areas adjacent to the auditorium.
No adults other than tournament arbiters in the playing rooms.

2023 Byron Capital Darling Downs Open
7 Round Swiss 60 minutes plus 10 seconds per move from move 1 with a $14, 000 Prize Pool!
May 13th and 14th 2023 at Toowoomba Grammar Junior School.
2023 Byron Capital Darling Downs Open Flyer

The Queensland Open – 2023

Churchie Chess Festival 2021
The Churchie Chess Festival 2021 features 3 events –
- under 20 Blitz – on Friday the 10th December
- under 20 Swiss – starts Monday the 13th December
- under 20 Rapid – starts Tuesday the 14th December
Featured this year is the rollout of the Churchie ACE system – Advanced Chess Education
DGT e-boards are used to not only broadcast the games virtually live; but are linked into a players’ game storage area where their games are engine analysed. The player then has real-time feedback on the best lines and moves. Coaches can login and provide timely lessons to their students between tournament rounds!
More info on the Churchie DGT ACE System on the Churchie Chess Festival website
Gold Coast Open 2021 Cancelled
The Gold Coast Open 2021 has been cancelled.
CAQ VP and Gardiner Chess Operations Manager Andrew Fitzpatrick released a short statement on Chesschat shortly after the Queensland Government announced the 3 day lockdown. He said ” Given a lockdown is being implemented from 6pm tonight in South-East QLD, we have no option but to cancel this year’s Gold Coast Open. “

QLD Seniors Champs – 2021
Queensland Seniors Championship
Starts: November 13, 2021
Ends: November 14, 2021
Location: St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School Bracken Ridge, 30 Eldorado St, Bracken Ridge QLD 4017, Australia
The Queensland Seniors Championship is turning into a fantastic event with plenty of strong players taking part each year.
Join the group this year for what will be another fantastic event.
2021 Seniors Champ
QLD Womens and Girls Championships – 2021
The QLD Womens and Girls Championships for 2021 will be held at Loreto College Coorparoo on the weekend of the 16th and 17th October.
Entries close on the night of the 15th October, and there is a discount if you pay for your entry by the 10th October.
2021 W&G Champs
Queensland Junior Chess Championships 2020
The Chess Association of Queensland Presents: 2020 Queensland Junior Chess Championships FIDE, ACF, and QJ rated events. When: Dec 7th-11th Where: Anglican Church Grammar School (Morris Hall) East Brisbane Registration: 9.00-9.30am Monday Dec 7 Organiser: Hughston Parle Chief Arbiter: Michael D’Arcy
While this tournament is typically hosted in the June-July school holidays, it had to be moved to December due to the Queensland Government’s Covid-19 guidelines.
Covid-19 regulations mandate a fixed number of participants in the venue as of the 14th October 2020. Unlike previous years, this tournament faces a potential limit on numbers. However, it is hoped that this cap will be lifted prior to the start of the event. Nevertheless, each respective flyer states the maximum number of players that will be accepted. This is subject to change depending on the most recent government regulations two weeks prior to the tournament’s commencement. Participants will be accepted from 12pm the 21st October until the respective cap is met. For any queries/concerns, please contact queenslandjuniorchamps@caq.org.au

Wendy Terry Memorial
Another great tournament, the Wendy Terry Memorial has shifted weekends. A limit of 90 players can take part in this event so check out the flyer to see all the registration information and to book your spot!

TopChess Christmas Weekender
Starts: December 21, 2019
Ends: December 22, 2019
Location: Buranda State School, 24 Cowley St, Woolloongabba QLD 4102, Australia
What better way to finish the year with a final tournament! This is also a perfect opportunity to drop the kids off and go do the Christmas shopping, and there is a canteen available on-site!
With 3 rounds on each day, the schedule is very friendly. There are two half point byes allowed (except final round), with the time control being 60 minutes + 20 seconds per move added.
CAQ Membership is required, however this will roll over into 2020.
Get involved for some last minute Australian Junior practice 🙂

Marcus Porter Memorial

The Charm City Motel Open
The Charm City Motel Open is a new tournament this year being held in Bundaberg.
The organisers always put on a friendly, well run event so make sure to support this great event.

Queensland Veteran’s Championship
Designed for players over the age of 50! Come along and compete in the Queensland Veterans Championship!

The 27th Gold Coast Open
The 27th Gold Coast Open is on from the 27th of June to the 1st of July 2019.
English GM Daniel Fernandez and Australian GM’s Zong-Yuan Zhao and Bobby Cheng have registered.
There are Premier, Major and Minor divisions, and almost $7,000 in prizes.
GM Ian Rogers will once again be doing commentary on the weekend of the event.
See the 27th Gold Coast Open website for details!