If you wish to pay through EFT bank deposit, please complete this form.


Membership fees paid after 1 October include the following year.

Membership level definitions: Cadet - U12 Junior - U18 Senior - Adult Pensioner - in receipt of a Centrelink pension.
Note:The requirement for family membership is that all applicants reside at the same address.

CAQ Code of Conduct

I agree to be bound by the CAQ Code of Conduct and consent to my personal information being passed to the national and state ratings officers for the purpose of maintaining the rating lists and forwarding to me news of general interest, and my contact details being passed to chess clubs affiliated with CAQ for the purpose of advising me of coming events.

Privacy Policy

Your personal details will be entered in a secure database, kept up-to-date and not revealed to any third party without your consent. At any time you may request a review or amendment of your personal details.


Membership is pending until payment is received and confirmed.
+ 3 = 5